Since his April 12, 1979 debut at the Lviv National Opera and Ballet, conductor Myron Yusypovych has developed a long-term relationship and significantly contributed to the European success of that company, organizing the first ever tour of the opera company outside the former Soviet Union to Italy (1996); company tours to Austria and Germany (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002) and neighbouring Poland (1999, 2002, 2003, 2004). During 1994 – 1996, he served as Principal Conductor and in 2000, when the Lviv Opera and Ballet celebrated it’s 100th anniversary, he oversaw the repertoire, programming and artistic productions for the celebrations as it’s Artistic Director (1998 – 2002).
At a time when the Ukrainian economy was in complete turmoil and musicians were unable to support themselves and their families, Myron Yusypovych cooperated with the Austrian company DaCapo Musikmarketing GmbH to establish a touring orchestra (2002) and choir (2003). During 2002 – 2007, as Chefdirigent, he auditioned and rehearsed the K&K Philharmoniker and K&K Opernchor and toured with them to critical acclaim through some of the best known concert halls of Europe (Gewandhaus Leipzig, Konzerthaus Berlin,Alte Oper Frankfurt, Die Glocke Bremen, Residenz München,Tivolis Copenhagen).
Since 2007, Myron Yusypovych has concentrated on providing listening opportunities for a wider audience closer to his beloved city of Lviv in Ukraine: developing innovative programming, while combining poetry and music; supporting the democratic process by inaugurating concerts dedicated to artists that were relegated to obscurity (e.g. Ira Malaniuk) and events that were denied and covered up (e.g. Holodomor 1932-33) under the Soviet regime; bringing classical music closer to the public by staging open-air concerts in places where people love to congregate; mentoring young musicians; developing a website. Recently he released two small anthologies of poetry.
Never one to shy away from controversy,Yusypovych broke with tradition at the Lviv Opera and invited a foreign stage director, Giuseppe Visciglia, to restage several productions (Verdi’s La traviata and Aida, Lehar’s The Merry Widow, Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana), removing static scenes and revitalizing the productions with energy and movement. He rehearsed and prepared the first-ever Lviv performance of G.Verdi’s Nabucco (an opera that was never staged during the Soviet era due to its highly religious content). More recently, he removed the atheistic elements in Tchaikovsky’s Iolanta and envisioned Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Tsar’s Bride with contemporary overtones.
Born in Turka, Ukraine, M.Yusypovych began his musical studies on the violin and piano. He graduated from the Drohobych College of Music (Diploma in Violin-performance and Choral Conducting) and Lviv Academy of Music, where he specialized in operatic and symphonic conducting. For two years, he worked under the guiding hand of Yuri Temirkanov, Music Director of the Kirov State Opera and Ballet (now Mariinsky Theatre) in St.Petersburg, Russia.
Yusypovych has led over 2000 performances of operas, ballets, operettas and concert programs in 84 cities in 14 countries (Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Lichtenstein, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine).
Дмитро Бортнянський (Алкід)
Джузеппе Верді (Аїда, Ернані, Набукко, Отелло, Ріґолетто, Травіата, Трубадур)
Семен Гулак-Артемовський (Запорожець за Дунаєм)
Євген Досенко (Чарівне кресало)
Руґєро Леонкавало (Паяци)
Микола Лисенко (Наталка Полтавка)
Борис Лятошинський (Золотий обруч)
Пєтро Маскаґні (Сільська честь)
Модест Муссорґський (Хованщина)
Сeргей Прокоф'єв (Війна і мир)
Джіакомо Пуччіні (Чіо-чіо Сан, Флорія Тоска)
Ніколай Римський-Корсаков (Моцарт і Салєрі, Царева наречена)
Джоаккіно Россіні (Севільський цирульник)
А. Спадавекія (Попелюшка)
Пйотр І. Чайковський (Євгеній Онєґін, Іоланта)
Франц Легар (Весела вдова)
Йоган Штраус (син) (Летюча миша, Циганський барон)
Адольфе Адам (Жізель )
Іван Армсгеймер (Перепочинок кавалерії )
Борис Асав'єв (Бахчисарайський фонтан )
Александр Ґлазунов (Шопеніана ("Сільфіди") на музику Ф. Шопена )
Реваз Ґабічвадзе (Медея )
Леон Мінкус (Пахіта, Дон Кіхот )
Андрей Петров (Створення світу )
Сергей Прокоф'єв (Ромео і Джульєтта )
Чезаре Пуньї (Есмеральда)
Пйотр І. Чайковський (Франческа де Ріміні, Гамлет, Лускунчик, Спляча красуня, Лебедине озеро)