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Chorus of Academic song and dance ensemble «Cossacks of Podillya»

of Khmelnitsky Regional Philharmonic

The artistic biography of the ensemble began in 1938, in Kamyanets-Podilsky.

It started as a choral capella, which included the best amateurs singers and professional artists.

Due to the glorification of its region and the detection songs with independent character, the authorities, because of difficult war conditions, reduced the structure of the ensemble and, having changed the name to "Wind of the Podillya" in 1944, made a new colletive - the Bandura Choir.

Subsequently, the capella acquired the status of song and dance ensemble and got the name "Podolyanka". The group had such a name until 1989, then it was renamed to "Cossacks of Podillya".

This name change also influenced the popularity of the group.

The newly created "Cossacks of Podillya" successfully toured in France, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Greece, Switzerland, India, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy and other countries.

Now, the Academic song and dance ensemble "Cossacks of Podillya" is the universal artistic group that represents the best folk art of the inexhaustible treasury of all areas of the region.

Its repertoire includes the historical thoughts; Cossack chumak songs and dances; humorous choral scenes; family-household, ritual lyrics; Kupala, Harvest, Wedding songs and dances; carols, bandrives, which successfully combine with different currents of contemporary music (pop music, jazz, etc.).

The group is headed - Stepan Drobit.

In recent years, the chorus, headed by the main choirmaster Katerina Drobit, has entered a new performance level, representing programs of Ukrainian contemporary composers and Ukrainian classical composers works.

Chorus of Academic song and dance ensemble "Cossacks of Podillya" participates in staging of the operas: "Nazar Stodolya" by K. Dankevich, "Stolen Happiness" by Y. Mateus; operettas "Flying Mouse" by J. Strauss, "Gutsulka Kseniya" by Y. Barnych; and also takes part in festivals and competitions.

Якорь 3
Якорь 4

Laureate of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students. For the dramatic action of the "Prophet" (based on the works of Taras Shevchenko), the Cossacks celebrated the regional Taras Shevchenko Award.

New programs: "We are Yours, Ukraino, Cossacks", "There is no translation for the Cossack family," "Where did you go, Cossacks?", "Pokrovo, my mother!", "Yordan Zamethyl", children's New Year's performances.

Periodically creative reports in Kyiv. Cooperation with Ukrzaliznytsya. At the invitation of Ukrainians from the Far East of Russia, a trip to Vladivostok. Tours of the cities of Donbas.

The collective fights the second (2007), and then the first (2010) place of the World Festival-competition named after P. Virsky. Creation and production of the musical in Podillya "Sonya Sonata" (composers Nikolay and Bogdan Balemy).

2010 years - a new artistic project "One hundred Ukrainian folk songs". Launching of the international festival of the Cossack folk and modern song "Cossack kind is not translated".

Trip to the international festival in Poland.

Celebration of the 1025th anniversary of the baptism of Rus-Ukraine. "Divine Liturgy" by Nicholas Balemy - a new artistic spiritual project "Cossacks Podillya".

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